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Away From The Noise

On Pets, Podcasts and Taking a bath

Hi we’re ARXX! We’re Hanni and Clara, a Queer Alt- Rock Gal Pal Duo based in Brighton. Imagine Taylor Swift if she’d only ever listened to Nirvana. We’re releasing our debut album ‘Ride or Die’ on the 31st of March, we tour as much as we can and we’re very tired. We’ve chosen to tell you about a few things that give us life when we’re not ARXXing. 

Touring takes us to some of the craziest places we never thought we’d ever see. It’s one of our favourite things about this job and one of the greatest privileges of being a musician. But it takes us away from our homes and therefore our pets. Pets are the greatest thing in life! Hanni has 2 cats and a tortoise. Clara has a rabbit. They’re all thoroughly spoilt. They’re one of our favourite things about coming home, even if they do keep you awake by standing on your head. 

"Nobody really cares about a musician’s biggest influences or when they started playing, you just want to know what they have on their toast."

Some of our favourite days on tour are when we meet pets, our camera rolls are full of random animals we’ve met along the way. 

We started up our podcast ‘ARXX Us Anything’ in Lockdown as a way to keep ourselves entertained and still feel like a band. It’s a no-frills, no-format podcast of us chatting shit, from talking about the best way to eat wotsits to why velcro wallets are the biggest turnoff. This year we aim to take our podcast ‘semi-professional’ with the addition of guests (our DMs are open). It’ll still lack format or formality. We all know that nobody really cares about a musician’s biggest influences or when they started playing, you just want to know what they have on their toast. 

We strongly believe one of the best things in life is taking a bath. Hanni’s record is 4 hours. Need we say more… Lush we’re ready for the sponsorship when you are. 

Hope you’re reading this in a bath, with a pet beside you and a podcast on. We’ll be heading out on our Album Tour in April/ May heading through the UK and Europe. 

Our debut album ‘Ride or Die’ is available for pre-order now!

Words by Clara & Hanni / ARXX
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